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Climate Resilient Health Clinics

Thousands of community health centers and free and charitable clinics across the U.S. care for millions of our nation’s uninsured, underinsured and low-income patients. Yet, more intense hurricanes, historic floods, unprecedented wildfires, increasing heatwaves, and other extreme weather events driven by climate change threaten their ability to provide care and keep their patients healthy. The Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit provides practical resources for health care providers, patients and administrators at free and charitable clinics and community health centers to meet the growing challenges for health care posed by climate change.

toolkit cover

Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit

It’s here! Download the entire toolkit or see below for specific modules. Individual resources can be downloaded for your use by clicking on General Weather Guidance, Extreme Heat, Wildfire and Smoke, Hurricanes or Floods below and then selecting the individual document or full module that you wish to download.

Project Background and Contributors English Spanish

How to Use This Toolkit English Spanish

General Weather Guidance

Climate change-related hazards are harming human health and increasing demand for healthcare services.

The following documents are applicable to all weather hazards and support clinics in developing the operational capabilities critical for them to stay open and continue to care for their patients during an emergency. You can view and download English and Spanish versions of the documents by clicking on the links.

For Patients 

For Caregivers

For Providers

For Administrators

Extreme Heat

Extreme heat is a particularly deadly form of extreme weather. 

The changing climate leads to greater periods of drought and extreme heat which increases the likelihood of wildfires. These resources contain critical information you need and actions you and your patients can take to help minimize the impacts of wildfires on health. You can view and download English and Spanish versions of the documents by clicking on the links.

For Patients 

For Providers

For Administrators

Wildfire and Smoke

Wildfires have many effects on health, especially for individuals with chronic medical conditions.

The changing climate leads to greater periods of drought and extreme heat which increases the likelihood of wildfires and wildfire smoke. These resources contain critical information you need and actions you and your patients can take to help minimize the impacts of wildfires and smoke on health. You can view and download English and Spanish versions of the documents by clicking on the links.

For Patients 

For Providers

For Administrators


Hurricanes can cause long-term damage to communities.

The changing climate can increase the frequency and severity of hurricanes and other storms leading to greater illness, injury and death. The impacts of these storms can last for years due to infrastructure damage and displacement of communities. These resources contain critical information you need to help you and your patients minimize the impacts of hurricanes. You can view and download English and Spanish versions of the documents by clicking on the links.

For Patients 

For Providers

For Administrators


Flood icon

Floods are a health hazard, especially for individuals with chronic medical conditions.

Flood risk is increasing as a result of climate change due to warmer temperatures and more intense storms. Flood waters can cause injuries and drowning, while damage to homes and difficulty accessing medical care can affect long-term health. These resources contain actions you and your patients can take to help minimize the impacts of floods on human health. You can view and download English and Spanish versions of the documents by clicking on the links.

For Patients 

For Providers

For Administrators

Please help us learn more in this project by filling in the simple form below with the name of your clinic/health center and its location. If you wish, you can also share your name and email so we can alert you to new resources and training opportunities.

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Click on the arrow and watch the video on the Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Project.

“Prevention is the best medicine. This toolkit helps patients, providers and administrators prepare for the impacts of climate change and put plans into action to protect health.”

Dr. Caleb Dresser, Director of Healthcare Solutions at Harvard Chan C-CHANGE

The Project Story

“Climate change does not affect all of us equally. Around the world, people who have contributed the least to the problem are impacted most,” said Elena Ateva, Director, Climate and Disaster Resilience. “This project supports clinics on the front lines of the climate crisis – clinics already serving marginalized patients – helping them to build resilience and be ready the next time extreme weather strikes.” 

The Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan C-CHANGE) and Americares have collaborated to help protect people on the frontlines of the climate crisis with the Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics project. Biogen is a founding donor of the project.

This project was born from the urgent need to support frontline clinics in the face of worsening climate disasters. We began with a nationwide survey of clinic staff, revealing a critical situation:

  • 81% of clinics experienced disruptions due to extreme weather in the past 3 years.
  • Less than 20% felt well-equipped to handle such emergencies
  • 77% lacked the necessary knowledge and tools for climate preparedness.
  • Over 80% desired training to protect their patients from climate-related health issues.

Fueled by this data, we developed the Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit. The initial toolkit underwent user-experience testing with clinics in California, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Texas. We conducted focus groups to gather valuable feedback about knowledge gaps, real-world challenges and ways to best serve patients. Following the initial launch in December 2022, the toolkit saw widespread adoption with nearly 20,000 downloads globally.

In 2023, Americares and Harvard Chan C-CHANGE evaluated the toolkit with 19 clinics across the U.S. The evaluation process involved clinics incorporating the toolkit into their daily operations. Through surveys, focus groups and interviews, these clinics provided crucial feedback on the toolkit’s effectiveness and potential areas for improvement. Additionally, expert workgroups were consulted for each module to gather their insights.

The current toolkit, released in autumn 2024, reflects our commitment to user-led input and continuous improvement. It incorporates:

  • Three years of user experience and subject matter expert feedback
  • The latest scientific knowledge on climate change and health impacts
  • Actionable strategies to address these challenges

This toolkit provides crucial resources for frontline clinics, empowering them to become more resilient in the face of climate challenges.

If you have any feedback, questions, or contributions, please email us at

Fire outside of a home with firefighters combatting the blaze. Photo by David Royal

“It is essential that we work to meet science-based targets that limit global warming to 1.5C, while also addressing the impacts that the climate crisis is having on human health. This pioneering initiative is aimed at protecting patients from the climate health effects happening now, with a focus on those most at risk.”

Biogen Chief Medical Officer Maha Radhakrishnan, M.D.

Participating Clinics and Organizations

California | Massachussetts | North Carolina | Texas


Free Clinic of Simi Valley

The Free Clinic of Simi Valley

The Free Clinic of Simi Valley in Southern California provides critical medical care to low-income families. Its patients live with the intensifying effects of climate change, including heat and drought.

Two CalFire crew digging a fire line with orange flames near by.

Lestonnac Free Clinic

Lestonnac Free Clinic, based in Orange County, California, has 13 clinic sites throughout Southern California. In 2020, due to the numerous wildfires, they saw a significant increase in patients coming into the clinic for upper respiratory issues and breathing problems due to the fires.


Flood photo of cars underwater

Cambridge Health Alliance

Cambridge Health Alliance works in two safety net community hospitals and multiple primary care centers that serve several diverse communities north of Boston. Its patients are at high risk of heat-related illnesses due to urban heat-island effects, and their neighborhoods are at high risk of flooding due to rising sea levels and worsening storms.

North Carolina

Community Care Clinic of Dare

The Community Care Clinic of Dare

The Community Care Clinic of Dare in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. In addition to the frequent and intensifying hurricanes that have been occurring, the clinic and patients face challenges from ongoing flooding caused by rising sea levels and increasing temperatures that have a disproportionate effect on their patients who often work outdoors.

Kintegra Health clinic

Kintegra Health

Kintegra Health, a community health center in North Carolina with over 30 sites. The sites and patients face significant issues from frequent flooding washing out roads and access to healthcare, as well as deteriorating infrastructure, particularly in the rural areas.

Poster showing NCAFCC

The North Carolina Association of Free and Charitable Clinics

The North Carolina Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NCAFCC) supports 70 free and charitable clinics and pharmacies in the state by coordinating disaster response activities and supporting clinics as they provide healthcare for medically underserved North Carolinians. NCAFCC is feeling the effects of climate change and staff are called on to assist member clinics as climate change has acute and long-term effects on patient care and clinic operations.


Matagorda health workers in front of a COVID Workers sign

Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program (MEHOP)

Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program (MEHOP) provides critical health and behavioral health services for Matagorda County on the east coast of Texas. The facility was evacuated during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and had many patients and staff members affected by the recent deep freeze. MEHOP is in a rural, underserved area with significant and growing challenges around access to healthcare, degrading infrastructure, and insufficient funds to rebuild after disasters.

Medicines being preserved in cooler

San José Clinic

San José Clinic, a charity clinic in Houston, Texas, serves patients directly impacted by Hurricane Harvey and the recent winter storm and related power outages.

Photo of a flooded road in Beaumont Texas

Ubi Caritas

Ubi Caritas, a free clinic in Beaumont, Texas, serves communities impacted by multiple hurricanes.